Juicy Spirit Awakened: “Juicy Spirit was a valuable, intimate journey for me. I got to dive deep into truths about feminine power, erotic energy and spirituality that I had paid lip service to for a long time. I can more easily “hear” my own intuition speaking to me; I can recognize when my emotions and energy are in a creative place (or not!), and then how to move, shift and lift my energy as I desire. I looooove the emphasis on embracing pleasure! I am sure I will be back to RevCoach La Tonia’s workshops; they are like a playground or laboratory where you are presented with a range of tools and insights you can combine into your own personal technology for living the life you want. And just on a curious-kid, spiritual-nerd tip, the more of this ancient/new wisdom I learn and experience, the more fascinated I am to dig even deeper.”